Changing Gears

What if your reality looked a little different from normal (whatever the heck that means)? It offered you food, shelter, water plus all of the extras you could only dream about. Freedom, travel, opportunity. Isn’t it interesting to you the people who become successful are of a different mindset from the majority of people who… are not?

Growing up we learn about fairy tales that fill our hearts with wonder and then someone who’s “had a hard life” wants to “tell you how it really is” and then, of course, you’re doomed. Done for. You believe them. You’re no longer Cinderella, you’re her ugly step-sisters. POOF. No fairy godmother. We believed them, too, for a really long time. The only time that you have a really hard life is when you don’t do something about “how it really is”. 

This morning we watched a short 11+ minute video (which we attached below for you to watch, too) of one of our favourite self-improvement authors, Jen Sincero, about excuses. She asks her audience to really think (in everything she does) about where you are right now and where you want to be. Where are you? What’s stopping you?

We have watched numerous people in our community achieve incredible freedom (time and financial) in the past year and a half since we have been building our Network Marketing business. Incredible feats that to us, 2 years  ago… seemed impossible, like completely out-of-our-reach. We have listened to people’s stories that sound just like ours did, growing up without much money, without extras – to wanting more for themselves, dammit! What happens is sometimes who you want to be is sacrificed for what you think others will do or say to and about you. We have also felt that way.


Do you know what we know now? It doesn’t matter, none of it. What anyone thinks, what YOU think… none of that is real. What anyone thinks about you does not pay your bills – and we’re not saying that to change your thinking about other people, we want you to turn that inwards. Your limiting beliefs are created only by you. What’s real is outside of what you think. What’s real already exists and the only reason you can’t see that is because of you.

Thinking back to the conversation started this morning in our inbox, we are humbled by the obviousness of our path. We all want freedom to do the things we want, to be able to say YES instead of having to say no because of a lack of money, time, or freedom. We all have the ability to have whatever we want, but sometimes you have to make a sacrifice to get to where you’re going. The hard truth is that making that change makes most of us uncomfortable.

“It’s going to be uncomfortable, but not necessarily hard.” – Jen Sincero

What do we have to offer?

Our experiences. Our support. Our desires. Our knowledge.

“Change your life in a massively positive way” – Jen Sincero

Why would we hide these things away from those who want it just in case the ones who don’t tell us so? Those who don’t want what you have and what you can offer do not serve you. And that’s OK! For some reason we think it’s not ok and that it’s our job to change their minds. Let us be clear.

It is not your job to change anyone’s mind.

Instead, it is your job to do something incredible with your life because whatever you want to do and be is available for you, but it takes hard work. And some of that hard work happens by understanding your limiting beliefs and then taking the steps necessary to change your way of thinking about yourself.

“When you get the idea that scares the crap out of you that’s when you’ve hit the bullseye.” – Jen Sincero

There is a difference between something being uncomfortable for you and being innately … hard.

The hard truth is that what we want costs a lot and we have to pay the toll, which happens to be hard work, dedication and perseverance. And the willingness to do things that make us uncomfortable. Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting different results. It’s time to change gears.

If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else is going to. Isn’t living a life on purpose fun?

With Purpose,

Tonia & Colin

4 thoughts on “Changing Gears

  1. I love Jen Sincero! And this is a great post and also a much-needed reminder. We live in such a fast-paced keep up with the Joneses society and can lose sight of our true heart’s desire. Changes are inevitable and can be easy and simple, it is up to us. So many people want Rome to be built TODAY and NOW! This is a journey, not a sprint, and it is our choice to say F**k it I am going for this no matter what others say, think and do!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jen Sincero is influential. Her style is just so full of light and wit that you can’t help but get what she’s saying. When we read her books (over and over again) we can almost hear her laugh at her own stories she shares. And now look at where she is and where we can all go, too. F*ck it, indeed!


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